Elder Care Information

Angels Are Reaching Out to the Elderly

I am reminded time after time of the profound effect Angels have on people. Recently, I have been receiving manyemails containing examples of how the Angels are reaching through the veils to assist the elderly. The elderly respond to Angel Paintings with a knowingness of love and illumination that comes from within them. Sometimes the reactions have been as though they are recognizing an old friend.

One example was a client emailing me to let me know of the response of woman who suffered from Alzheimer's. The responseto the Angel painting that had been commissioned was very profound from my understanding. The woman took onelook at the painting, reached for it and refused to be parted with it and for the rest of the day had to keep it in her lap as she was wheeled around in her wheelchair.

Another email stated:


As you know, your angelic paintings of our Guardian Angels have, from the day we received them, blessed all of our lives in one way or the other. Upon receipt of Marge's (My Mother) we were all stunned to see the uncanny parallels in what you were given to paint by the angels and what is actual reality. The colors, the subject, the roses!!! As you have learned, she had a stroke 2 years ago and this painting has provided her with an everlasting source of inspiration and hope. She has it hung in her bedroom so that she may look at her angel when she nods off to sleep at night and when she first awakes in the morning. This painting speaks volumes to her and keeps her motivated to continue therapy and to trudge on when all seems lost. She is doing very well! Ray's (My Father) has also provided him with the strength to not only take care of my mother but gives him the where withall to still take care of himself, his family and his business. He too has his angel next to my Mother's in that he can see it before nodding off at night and again in the morning when he awakes. I really, honestly, know that these angels; that have been presented to them through you, have helped them more than anyone could possibly imagine. Again, they are a source of constant inspiration and they have provided many wonderful thoughts and actions upon all who see them.

My parents mean the world to me and I thank you from the depths of my heart for being the link to actually seeing their angels. I know that we are not in control of many things that happen to us in life, however, just in knowing ... and seeing ... that we all do have guardian angels that are there for us, definitely helps to put things into perspective and yields a very positive attitude towards life. How could it not? Sometimes we cannot see the forest through the trees ... with the light that you have shined on my family we are not only seeing the forest but we now know that we are part of the whole process of life and take nothing for granted. For each day is a very special one and thanks to you, we know, even when we are "alone" we are never alone.

Once again, thank you with everything in me. And on behalf of my parents I thank you as well.

J. J.
Wilmington, Delaware

I accept there is more to Angelic art than meets the eye. I wonder in what ways this form of art could be used in hospitals,nursing homes, etc.? I know some people would probably react as forcing someone else's religion on another, but some formof Angel is in every religion as Angels are of no one religion. Angels are for everyone.

© 2005 Sharae Taylor

Sharae Taylor is a well known Intuitive Angel Artist whose paintings are in world wide collections and her works have been exhibited with other well known Angel Artists Andy Lakey ,Donna Terody Sheratan,Gary Markowitz, past art editor of "Angel Times" magazine and K. Martin Kuri, Angel Artist and Author. Sharae has also participated in many Angel Expos and Angel Conferences with other well known Angel Authors like Alma Daniels author of "Ask Your Angels". Her Angel paintings are featured in the newly released "Angels" DVD by Llewellyn and New World Music and was featured in the February 2005 issue of http://Planetlightworker.com. Sharae is a published author in magazines and ezines. To view Sharae's Angelic art and for further information visit her website at http://www.angelsbysharae.com


Department of Aging  Governor Tom Wolf

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